How to: Play a Raonlauncher

On martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010 0 comentarios

How to: Play a Raonlauncher
Written by: bloodbug2
Formatting: Ybom
1 Basic Shot Info
1a Shot 1
1b Shot 2
1c Shot SS

2 How to use shot 1 to not look like a dummy
3 Advanced Shooting Techniques
3a Raon Shotgun
3b Raon Slip
3c Raon Bounce
3d Raon Sniper

4 Raon Vs Everything Else
5 Loadout/Some Good Raon Maps/Closing
1. Basic Shooting Info
1a. Shot 1 = 750 delay/150 average damage (180 on bionics)

Your bread and butter shot, you must use it when shot 2 isn't an option. It eats land
like crazy, in a straight, narrow hole. Landed right, you can incapacitate low-angle
mobiles(bigfoot, lightning) in a pinch. It don't destroy much land with a direct hit,
so if you are a bunge-happy weirdo, you should practice to aim a little before the mobile.
This is no easy bunge such as cake.

1b. Shot 2 = 900 delay/275 average damage (300 on bionics)
This shot is what the Raonlauncher is all about. It shoot two mines who don't follow each other, since one is launched with more velocity than the other to prevent cheese damage (imagine landing two mines perfectly 1 and 1/2 screens away? Broken!). This is the weapon to shotgun, bypassing even Boomer's brute power (650+ per dual isn't uncommon). However, learning to shotgun them is harsh, but it's well worth it. Without this weapon, Raon is only a weak-butt bunge machine. Abuse it well. However, the mines are less attracted by bionics. Bummer. Note:Avoid dualing mines with thor unless you know what the hell you're doing. How many times have I seen duals go to waste like that? The second wave's thor beams will destroythe first wave if not targeted insanely perfect, so unless you want to get laughed at,don't dual with thor!
1c. Shot SS = 1370 delay/300 average damage (325 on bionics)
A walking robot that walks when it lands for around 3 seconds (MasterOfMe suggests more, like 5 or 6 seconds). Almost a guaranteed hit, but watch out, it doesn't climb well. What's interesting is that this shot flies further than shot 1 or the center of the
spread of shot 2 by a tad. No further explanation really needed.

2. How to use shot 1 to not look like a dummy
Yes, it finally happened! The updated version of my guide is there! Along with the update various notes, and a whole new section! So let's begin, eh?

Raon is known to eat land like an hot knife through butter. But many raon noobs doesn't know very well how to use shot 1, which is "pretty-damaging". The primary use of shot 1 for my style of play, is giving me some good shotgun angles. Nono, you don't wait for them to pass by, you build them. The technique varies with the amount of land to eat, but I like to shotgun the land just before the enemy, so that unlucky guy finish a little curved, perfect for a shotgun.
The other use. a little more defensive is to at the bad guy's angle. Yeah, you can do that...what? Anyway, to eat it, you gotta shoot your damned shot 1 at the feet of the enemy, so the land open below him and make him fall. Oh, and I also got a super new strategy called the super pit of doom. I will explain it a little later.
And now, the primary use of shot 1 : bunging. Although I use shot 2 to fancy bunge when I can, shot 1 is better for bunging than 2. You gotta use it for removing the land, but not by shooting mushrooms on the head of the guy. Use the technique described earlier, or better yet, shotgun.
Miramo map, or any map with a whole lot of land.
Teles disabled

STEP 1 :
Get your ally to tunnel under the guy you wanna doom.

STEP 2 :
Incapacitate him with an angle-eating shot 1.

STEP 3 :
Make your partner make a pit under the guy and fill it with raon babies(8)

STEP 4 :
Defend your ass.

STEP 5 :
The teammate should drop the enemy in the raon pit of doom by the under.

STEP 6 :

3. Advanced Shooting Techniques (aka: OMFG WTF HAX)
2a. Raon Shotgun

So you are there, facing an enemy, a good slope and no thor? Alright, it's time to
unleash the raon's fury! Climb on that slope, and get your needle to the center of your victim. The reason for this is that raon mines blow when they walk into the enemy's center, what I like to call "the sweetspot". So, if you shoot those mines directly at the sweet spot, they will blow immediately so there's no risk of enemy teleporting before your next turn. A really important thing to realize is that the babies have to hit ground to blow. This is wise to think about because if they go flying off the screen to the limits, they won't land (my want to reconsider full power on some shots). Also, you can do single shots with thor, but don't try to dual it. This seems easy, yet vaguely complicated, doesn't it? Not after you see the...

3b. Raon Slip
The raon slip is quite simple but hard to master. If the land is thin enough, the mines
will bypass the land and get on the top of land. Let's get some ugly art to explain:

The mines will bypass the land, get in your enemy's sweet spot, blow up, make them fall, and get you kicked of the game . Understood? If you need more in-depth explanation, msg me on Gunbound.

3c. Raon Bounce
This is the advanced brother of the Raon slip. If the land isn't thin, the mines
won't bypass the land. Instead, they will bounce off the roof you shot them on.
More ugly art:

And then they bounce of the roof, then boom! On the enemy sweetspot [edit: the mines
immediately are on the enemy and the camera doesn't follow the mines, so they won't
know what happened]. This one require serious practice. I think it's fairly clear.
Again, don't hesitate to msg me.

3d. Raon Sniper (High Angle Raons!)
Okay, so you want to look like a pro huh? Follow these steps, and you will look like
one. First, you must know the raon mines spread:

90= omg lol masochist! No spread.
84= omg lol pro! Half screen.
79= omg lol even proer! 1 screen.
45= omg lol noob! Max spread.
0= omg lol you sger! No spread, nice sg angle.
There. Now, the only way to hit both mines on contact is to do a low-power 89 angle.
For that you must be very close. Why? 89 angle has. minimal spread, and with low power they don't separate much. Nice place to use a dual. With other angles, you should use them to surround your enemy, or use shot 1. Why? The enemy can move, tele, or worse, get them to hit you instead! This is easy to understand.

One last note in the advanced section from yours truly, Ybom. I wanted to point out that every Raoner should know that there is only one true Raon killer, and that is the tornado element! I tend to get them directly in-between me, or directly on the opponent I'm going after, which severely limits your shot 2 and SS ability. The reason what they are so bad, if you haven't experienced raon play with them yet, is that if the mines are in the center of one at all, they get sucked up into oblivion, whether they crawl into it or not. Plan around them any way you can (aka set mines to where they crawl after it changes to a new element, or push an enemy into them with bunge threats or something). Another key feature of tornadoes is that on the first turn of a new element after a nado, if it is your turn, and you have mines crawling that way, if the mines walk into where the nado will disappear, they will get sucked up. The reason for this is mines always crawl directly in-between turns, right after the bombs drop in solo/tag and right after people get reincarnated in score. Just watch out for them finicky twisters, they hurt 10x more than they help; especially for Raoners.
4. Raon Vs Everything Else

Hmm, this one is a little tough. The recently buffed thor mobile is an electric type, dealing a little more damage on you with his shot 1. Shot 2 has horrid delay early-game, however, so abuse the weakness well. Shotgun when you can, and you will win.
Armor mobile
This one is a tough one. Not only it got the firepower to beat you into submission, he has the land-eating capabilities to screw your angles well, removing the shotguns. Try to make him use false angle by putting him into an hole with shot 1 to attenuate the damage. Exploit the high-ass delay(hightest in the game) too.

The current broken machine, he got 230 damage for no skill needed(except at long-range) and a very strong delay-wise and power-wise non situational SS which hurts. He will give you angles by shooting you with 2, so abuse it.

An Armor copycat, this one can screw your angles even more, but it is way easier to screw his. Treat as a toned-down Armor.
Weird bot this one is. He has extreme wind dependance on his shots, so a drastic wind change can screw him more than you. He CANNOT eat up your angle, since his land-eating is non-existent. The shotgun is extremely effective against him, and his low defence and health doesn't help him. Survive longer than him, and you won. Oh, don't try screwing his angle. You can't, unless it's for making him do 300 dmg a dual.
Easy as pie. He's big, slow, tickle like a girl, and to add at that, he's a bionic.
Shotgun him to death and you won. Don't let him put you in an hole, that's the only thing you got to fear.

The hightest health in the game means he can survive quite a few turns. 3rd best angle in the game means you can't screw his angle, and true angle is dominent. Shot 1 can screw your angles, and shot 2 lowers your defence by 5%. Shotgun to death, like always.
Jee-Day (JD; Cakebot)
This one is made to cause you trouble. He got the advantage being an electric type, and to add insult to injury, he is the best angle-screwer is the game, plus a ridiculously low delay. Not to mention his sucking abilities can bunge you like crazy. Shotgun when you can, and try to shotgun him alot.
Low angle range makes him susceptible to angle-eating. Beware of pro lightnings, cause at 230 damage for a shot 1 at 750 delay, you better screw his angle alot. Shotgun sparingly, this is one of the few mobiles it's better to use shot 1.

This is a joke for you. He got decent firepower, decent movement, etc. But he got nothing good, and you don't even have a shield. Beat this up the way you like, he can't do much.
Imho, this is the easiest tank to beat for raon. You got defence vs hit types, meaning that extreme firepower isn't worth crap anymore. He can screw your angles, but more often than not, he will make them. High delay doesn't help him. Notably larger sweetspots than the other bots.
Raon (Social War! Wee!)
You decided to fight yourself? Our bot screw angles with shot 1, blast with shot 2 and don't miss with SS. Make sure to don't get in an angle if you won't use it, since a good Raon like you now, Ihope, you gain advantage and will shotgun you. Take care, and use the advanced things he isn't aware of.
Poor dino isn't much of a threat, unless you are fighting a pro trico (ala mauvecow or dovo) who can blast you with 3 cabbages long range. If not, the only treat is angle-screwing.
He got a low angle and the worst movement in the game, meaning he can't escape nor
1 neither 2. He can hurt you very well, however, so take care and don't give him a shotgun angle. No angle-screwingpotential.

Bah, they are so strong you can't do nothing anyway. You can't eat up knight's angle and you can't baby shotgun dragon. Both hurt bad. Use 2 against knight and 1 agaisnt dragon. Dragon is very easy to bunge. Good luck.
5. Loadout/Some Good Raon Maps/Closing
Recommended Itemage

dual, dual, teleport (fave)
dual, dual, bunge, bunge (bigbomb)
dual, dual, dual+ (most common)
dual, dual, dual [edit: Ybom doesn't like to ever use dual+!]
dual, dual, change wind, bunge (take that boomers)
Recommended Levels

Miramo, Meta Mine A and B, Nirvana A and B, Adiumroof
Various Level Info

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