In alot of GunZ dll sources, where the dll is injected directly into Gunz, most of them edit directly to a hex value.
#define HP_LOCK 0x4862c9 ... if(GetAsyncKeyState('H')&0x8000){if (h){ h=0;if(b)MessageBeep(MB_OK);}else{ h=1;if(b)MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);} *(BYTE*)HP_LOCK ^= 8;}
since the DLL is injected to enemy's process u can read & write directly to it without ReadProcessMemory & WriteProcessMemory.
BYTE *addr = 0x4862c9; BYTE value = *addr; // read it *value = 10; //write it
Okay thanks. You were just a little off, cause your code gave me errors.
I just did some testing on it. I manipulated simple and complex variables. MSVC++ 2005
#ifndef VAR_H #define VAR_H #include#include #include #include using namespace std; #endif
#include "VarAddr.h" int main() { string f; string g = "Hello."; int x; int y = 111; char n; cout << "The size of integers on this compiler is " << sizeof(x) << " bytes." << "n"; cout << "The value of 'y' is " << y << ", its memory address is " << &y << endl; int addr = 0x0012FED4; //(int)&y; On MyComputer this is the address of y, it really equals &y BYTE value = *(BYTE*)addr; // read it int old = value; *(BYTE*)addr = 123; //write it cout << "The value of 'y' was " << old << " and is now " << y << ", its memory address is " << &y << endl; cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "The size of strings on this compiler is " << sizeof(f) << " bytes." << "n"; cout << "The value of 'g' is '" << g.c_str() << "', its memory address is " << &g << endl; int saddr = 0x0012FEEC; //(int)&g; On My Computer this is the address of g, it really equals &g //BYTE svalue = *(BYTE*)saddr; // read it string sold = *(string*)saddr; *(string*)saddr = "Good Bye."; //write it cout << "The value of 'g' was '" << sold.c_str() << "' and is now '" << g.c_str() << "', its memory address is " << &g << endl; cout << "Press enter to exit."; n = getch(); return 0; }
The compiler sees 0x4862c9 as just an int (or BYTE); in trying to assign it to a pointer type it will flag it as a type mismatch.
The solution is to explicitly cast the number to a pointer:
int *addr = (int *)0x4862c9;
BYTE *addr = (BYTE *)0x4862c9;
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