[HOWTO] Grab source engine interfaces EXTERNALLY
What it be:
- Take in a string with the interface version
- Locate that string
- Locate references to that string
- Offset and dereference for the interface
PHP Code:
//Fill out client.dll's ME32 profile so we can get at its base address and size
MODULEENTRY32 clientme = GetModuleStats("client.dll", processHandle, false);
//Allocate space for a whole client module
PDWORD clientmodule = (PDWORD)malloc(clientme.modBaseSize);
//Effectively copy client.dll into our own address space so we can use old fasioned FindPattern.
ReadProcessMemory(processHandle, clientme.modBaseAddr, clientmodule, clientme.modBaseSize, NULL);
//Search our local copy of client.dll for the string "VClientEntity". szVCEL_offset holds the local offset of the string.
DWORD szVCEL_offset = Utils::FindPattern((DWORD)clientmodule, clientme.modBaseSize, (BYTE*)"VClientEntity", "xxxxxxxxx");
//Adjust offset to the loaded module's address space.
DWORD RA = (DWORD)clientme.modBaseAddr + (szVCEL_offset-(DWORD)clientmodule);
//Look for references to RA (real address of the string we searched for)
DWORD szVCEL_ref = Utils::FindPattern((DWORD)clientmodule, clientme.modBaseSize, (BYTE*)&RA, "xxxx");
szVCEL_ref += sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(DWORD); //1 opcode (mov) + operand
//Dereference szVCEL_ref, which points to a function which is used to load the list into EAX.
//It points to the beginning of the function, so we jump over the mov opcode right into the operand
//which is a pointer to the list and read that into our own variable.
ReadProcessMemory(processHandle, (PVOID)(*(PDWORD)ref2 + 0x01), &g_pClientEntityList, sizeof(DWORD), NULL);
clientmodule = NULL;
I commented it for you. I can then readprocessmemory g_pClientEntityList into a large enough array to use it like this:
PHP Code:
typedef DWORD _CBaseEntity;
_CBaseEntity dwReturnBaseEntity ( PDWORD table, int iIndex )
_CBaseEntity dwBaseEntity = 0;
if ( iIndex == 0 )
return 0;
DWORD index = 40 + (8*iIndex);
dwBaseEntity = *(PDWORD)((DWORD)table + index);
return dwBaseEntity;
//oh... and
template<typename T> T ReadNetworkedVar( HANDLE processHandle, _CBaseEntity ent, DWORD offset )
T ret;
DWORD err = 0;
ReadProcessMemory ( processHandle, ( PVOID )( ( DWORD )ent + offset ), &ret, sizeof(T), NULL );
err = GetLastError();
if (err)
return 0;
return ret;
} //<-- my first time creating a template.
Hopefully this lends a hand to someone looking to start with this. I know external ESP has been developed. I'm not too sure where to continue from here, but I'm working with someone who might... Maybe
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