Making an Aimbot

On viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010 0 comentarios

I want to make an aimbot for a game and from what i gathered about making one i need three things to make it work:

A. My Position
B. There Position
C. The angle between me and that player
D. (For instant headshots and what not) X, Y cords for the head postion or as some people have called it: Bones (not sure if im completely correct on that lol)

Theres one other criteria but i forgot, ill go reasearch again and post it but for now thats the basics of what i want to do.

What im asking is where to start? Its kind of overwhelming yet seems so simple.

Any ideas where to start?

Dont get the wrong idea, i plan on using this on the client side.

I play shooters legit and i dont like either

If you dont agree with my wanting to make one then please, dont bother posting

jus press the back button. If you dont agree i already know it.

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