How to find addies in WarRock

On domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011 1 comentarios

I will just show you how to find addies in WarRock with "IDA Pro" and an "Unpacked WarRock (Latest one)", which can be downloaded in Google. If you don't know where to get it, go to the source code section and their should be one.

Firstoff, open IDA Pro and Click File -> Open and search for the unpacked WarRock (or Dumped /).

Now we are ready to find the addies.

-Search for "DX01" and go up twice or three times.

So it's dword_A547A0. Just take out "dword_" and add 0x00 to it [Prefix].
It should be like this in C++: #define Addr_PlayerPointer 0x00A547A0

-Same processus, but you got to search for "CF01" now and go up three times.

It's dword_94F7C0.

So, it's gonna be this in C++: #define Addr_ServerPointer 0x0094F7C0


Search for "ammo_base".
[php]___:0042B2A6 mov eax, [esi+8]
___:0042B2A9 cmp dword ptr [eax+18h], 0
___:0042B2AD jnz loc_42B368
___:0042B2B3 mov eax, [eax+1Ch]
___:0042B2B6 mov eax, [eax+0E8h]
___:0042B2BC add eax, 8
___:0042B2BF push offset aAmmo_base ; "ammo_base"
___:0042B2C4 push eax
___:0042B2C5 call sub_68DAED
___:0042B2CA test eax, eax
___:0042B2CC pop ecx
___:0042B2CD pop ecx
___:0042B2CE jnz short loc_42B316
___:0042B2D0 fld [ebp+var_4]
___:0042B2D3 fcomp flt_76BE84
___:0042B2D9 fnstsw ax
___:0042B2DB test ah, 5
___:0042B2DE jp loc_42B368
___:0042B2E4 cmp dword_7BFE10, 1Bh
___:0042B2EB jz short loc_42B30A
___:0042B2ED fld flt_89B048
___:0042B2F3 lea eax, [ebp+var_10]
___:0042B2F6 fmul flt_7615C0
___:0042B2FC push eax
___:0042B2FD mov ecx, offset dword_89E53C <--- FastAmmo
___:0042B302 fstp [ebp+var_10]
___:0042B305 call sub_42A28A[/php]

So, it's 89E53C. In C++: #define Addr_FastAmmo 0x0089E53C

Search for "repair_base".
[php]___:0042B316 mov eax, [esi+8]
___:0042B319 mov eax, [eax+1Ch]
___:0042B31C mov eax, [eax+0E8h]
___:0042B322 add eax, 8
___:0042B325 push offset aRepair_base ; "repair_base"
___:0042B32A push eax
___:0042B32B call sub_68DAED
___:0042B330 test eax, eax
___:0042B332 pop ecx
___:0042B333 pop ecx
___:0042B334 jnz short loc_42B368
___:0042B336 fld [ebp+var_14]
___:0042B339 fcomp flt_76BE84
___:0042B33F fnstsw ax
___:0042B341 test ah, 5
___:0042B344 jp short loc_42B368
___:0042B346 cmp dword_7BFE14, 1Bh
___:0042B34D jz short loc_42B35E
___:0042B34F push offset flt_89B048
___:0042B354 mov ecx, offset dword_89E540
___:0042B359 call sub_42A28A[/php]
So, it's 89E540. In C++: #define Addr_FastRepair 0x0089E540

More to be add...

Creditz: 100% MINE so don't leech you nub

Bye Bye!

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