How to find addys? - In Depth tutorial

On domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011 0 comentarios

pagn released some tuts of this in the past:
Sticky: How to find addies in WarRock

Im going to give a tutorial of in depth of addys finding, TheCamels8 probably can do a better job in this case.

By reading this you accept the rules of mpgh, you do not spam this thread, no outside links etc.

You will need:1. Dumped 'WarRock.exe' -> Tutorial here
2. Ida Pro

First we are going to look for 'MapCollor1,MapCollor2,MapCollor3'Open Ida pro -> Search -> Text -> "Light.Ambient"

Once you have found it, go up untill you see "Light.GlobalAmbient"
Then we have to find our addies, look for the "push"
Then we will get this addies: (Those are from the current update)
___:004C9471                 push    offset flt_A4ADE0
___:004C9476                 push    offset flt_A4ADDC
___:004C947B                 push    offset flt_A4ADD8


Scroll down until you see: "Light.Ambient"
Look again for the "push"
You will get the following code:
___:004C949C                 push    offset flt_A4ADB0
___:004C94A1                 push    offset flt_A4ADAC
___:004C94A6                 push    offset flt_A4ADA8


Scroll down until you see "Frustum.FarDistance"
Look again for the "Push"
This line is our adress:
___:004C956E                 push    offset flt_A4AD48

Near Fog
Scroll down untill you see "Fog.NearDistance"
Look again for the "Push"
You will get this line:
___:004C958F                 push    offset dword_A4AE48
Far Fog

Scrol down untill you see "Fog.FarDistance"
You will need to look again for the "Push"
This will be our addy:
___:004C95F0                 push    offset dword_A4AE4C

Fog Collor
Scroll down until you see "Fog.Color"
Look for the 3 "Push"
This will be our addy:
___:004C966D                 push    offset flt_A4ADF8
___:004C9672                 push    offset flt_A4ADF4
___:004C9677                 push    offset flt_A4ADF0

I know it is not so much, it is done before & all that
But its just to help some of you out, if you need help,feel free to ask me


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