[Tutorial] Fix the CRC of changed files

On miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011 0 comentarios

First of all, i havent tried this on the Dragonica files, but it worked in other games that are protected by GameGuard and HackShield Pro.

Again a trial on how to fix the CRC checksum of changed pe-files (exe & dll), as mentioned above, i havent tried it on Dragonica files but it should work.

What you need:


  1. Unpack PEiD v0.95 anywhere on your Computer (e.g. Desktop)
  2. Unpack the CRC32 Plugin into the Plugin Folder of PEiD
  3. Start PEiD, click Options and make sure they are as folows:

  4. Click Save and restart PEiD
  5. Now open the ORIGINAL and UNCHANGED file in PEiD and click the Button named "->" (lower right corner of PEiD) choose Plugins->CRC32 and click it
  6. Now you will see a window like this:

  7. Copy the CRC32 value and close the Plugin window
  8. Now open up the CHANGED file in PEiD and open the CRC32 Plugin window again
  9. Now paste the CRC32 value from the original file into the "New CRC" field and click "Fix it!"
  10. Now close the Plugin window and PEiD

é voila there you go the CRC is fixed and your changed file should work


  • Step-by-Step Tutorial: eMale a.k.a LemoniscooL
  • Pictures: eMale a.k.a LemoniscooL
  • PEiD v0.95: Jibz, Qwerton, snaker, xineohP from PEiD
  • CRC32 Plugin for PEiD: Gelios

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