Hi again, seems like new clients appears more offen than i visit the toilet these days.
So i'll write a complete guide and share my latest TRose.exe v149 without gameguard.
I thought i'd do a better release this time around, last time was a real patchjob.
Firstly, what you need todo this time, is to remove gameguard from ever loading.
For you who know programming, you use CreateProcessA to make a new application appear from your own application. This is also possible in Delphi with ShellExecute or the normal WinAPI Run.
Which case, what we want todo this time around is to make gameguard not to load.
And then remove the check which will check if gameguard has been loaded.
Because normally, if gameguard has not been loaded, TRose.exe will close.
Removing gameguard.des from loading:
You want to find this line:
- .text:0058F90E test eax, eax ; Logical Compare
- .text:0058F910 jle short loc_58F93C ; Jump if Less or Equal
- .text:0058F912 mov edi, [esp+30h+Buffer]
- .text:0058F916 mov [esp+30h+var_14], eax
and change it to
- .text:0058F90E test eax, eax ; Logical Compare
- .text:0058F910 jge short loc_58F93C ; Jump if Greater or Equal
- .text:0058F912 mov edi, [esp+30h+Buffer]
- .text:0058F916 mov [esp+30h+var_14], eax
Why, am i doing this?
Because at the address 0058F93C the coding for launching gameguard.des exists.
We do not want that to load. The value being compared, is always less than the the compare value.
Hence it will jump when the value is less or equal than the eax-value.
AHA! So that means if we change it to jump if greater or equal, the jump will never take place right?
Thats totaly correct. The value will never be greater than the value compared, and when we change jle to jge, the jump will never be made. Cool huh?
This is how the CreateProcessA code-section looks like:
- .text:0058F93C loc_58F93C: ; CODE XREF: sub_58EDC0+B50 j
- .text:0058F93C lea ecx, [esp+30h+CommandLine] ; Load Effective Address
- .text:0058F943 mov byte ptr [esi], 0
- .text:0058F946 push ecx ; int
- .text:0058F947 push offset dword_6BE460 ; int
- .text:0058F94C push ebp ; NumberOfBytesWritten
- .text:0058F94D call sub_5907D0 ; Call Procedure
- .text:0058F952 add esp, 0Ch ; Add
- .text:0058F955 lea edx, [esp+30h+hThread] ; Load Effective Address
- .text:0058F959 lea eax, [esp+30h+StartupInfo] ; Load Effective Address
- .text:0058F95D lea ecx, [esp+30h+CommandLine] ; Load Effective Address
- .text:0058F964 push edx ; lpProcessInformation
- .text:0058F965 push eax ; lpStartupInfo
- .text:0058F966 push 0 ; lpCurrentDirectory
- .text:0058F968 push 0 ; lpEnvironment
- .text:0058F96A push 0 ; dwCreationFlags
- .text:0058F96C push 1 ; bInheritHandles
- .text:0058F96E push 0 ; lpThreadAttributes
- .text:0058F970 push 0 ; lpProcessAttributes
- .text:0058F972 lea edx, [esp+50h+Filename] ; Load Effective Address
- .text:0058F979 push ecx ; lpCommandLine
- .text:0058F97A push edx ; lpApplicationName
- .text:0058F97B call ds:CreateProcessA ; Indirect Call Near Procedure
- .text:0058F981 test eax, eax ; Logical Compare
- .text:0058F983 jnz short loc_58F9C5 ; Jump if Not Zero (ZF=0)
- .text:0058F985 lea eax, [esp+30h+String] ; Load Effective Address
- .text:0058F98C push eax ; int
- .text:0058F98D call ds:GetLastError ; Indirect Call Near Procedure
- .text:0058F993 lea ecx, [esp+34h+Filename] ; Load Effective Address
- .text:0058F99A push eax ; int
- .text:0058F99B push ecx ; int
- .text:0058F99C push offset dword_6BE438
- .text:0058F9A1 call sub_596250 ; Call Procedure
- .text:0058F9A6 add esp, 4 ; Add
- .text:0058F9A9 push eax ; int
- .text:0058F9AA push ebp ; NumberOfBytesWritten
- .text:0058F9AB call sub_5907D0 ; Call Procedure
- .text:0058F9B0 add esp, 14h ; Add
- .text:0058F9B3 mov eax, 0AAh
- .text:0058F9B8 pop edi
- .text:0058F9B9 pop esi
- .text:0058F9BA pop ebp
- .text:0058F9BB pop ebx
- .text:0058F9BC add esp, 10B4h ; Add
- .text:0058F9C2 retn 4 ; int
Removing the gameguard.des check:
You want to find this line:
- .text:005331D9 cmp ds:dword_6D4CDC, 1 ; Compare Two Operands
- .text:005331E0 jnz short loc_5331E7 ; Jump if Not Zero
- .text:005331E2 call sub_539B48 ; Call Procedure
- .text:0053320C
- .text:0053320C loc_53320C: ; CODE XREF: .text:00533205 j
- .text:0053320C push dword ptr [esp+4]
- .text:00533210 call sub_5399A7 ; Call Procedure
- .text:00533215 push 0FFh
- .text:0053321A call sub_535605 ; Call Procedure
and change it to
- .text:005331D9 cmp ds:dword_6D4CDC, 1 ; Compare Two Operands
- .text:00533205 jz short loc_53320C ; Jump if Zero
- .text:005331E2 call sub_539B48 ; Call Procedure
- .text:0053320C
- .text:0053320C loc_53320C: ; CODE XREF: .text:00533205 j
- .text:0053320C push dword ptr [esp+4]
- .text:00533210 call sub_5399A7 ; Call Procedure
- .text:00533215 push 0FFh
- .text:0053321A call sub_535605 ; Call Procedure
Why, am i doing this?
Well simply put. At call sub_535605 it jumps to ExitProcess. We do not want the process to Exit.
Hence we change the code never to get to the place where the call is made.
Meaning this place:
- .text:005331D9 cmp ds:dword_6D4CDC, 1 ; Compare Two Operands
- text:00533205 jnz short loc_53320C ; Jump if Not Zero
If it turns out that the compare equals 1 it will jump and exit the process.
We just change the jnz to jz because we know, it always will be 1.
And when Jump Zero never gets a 0 compare value, the jump never will be made.
You could of course also change the cmp ds:dword_6D4CDC, 1 ; to cmp ds:dword_6D4CDC, 0 ;
I just changed the actual jump because, that's what i felt like
Removing the check for which controls if gameguard.des exists
We'll probably have to remove the check, which controls if gameguard.dex exists right?
Along with all those other weird checks which will appear when something is wrong with gameguard.
Find: jz short loc_52F507
- .text:0052F4E7 cmp edx, ds:dword_67CEE8 ; Compare Two Operands
- .text:0052F4ED jz short loc_52F507 ; Jump if Zero
- .text:0052F4EF mov [ebx+4], esi
- .text:0052F4F2 mov eax, esi
replace with:
- .text:0052F4E7 cmp edx, ds:dword_67CEE8 ; Compare Two Operands
- .text:0052F4ED jnz short loc_52F507 ; Jump if Not Zero
- .text:0052F4EF mov [ebx+4], esi
- .text:0052F4F2 mov eax, esi
Here you once again just change the jump offset never to take place.
dword_67CEE8 holds the value 755h(Something you recognize perhaps?)
Yes thats the Gameguard Is Valid number. Edx in the compare function does in this case hold 262
which is the not valid number in Gameguard. Meaning, in this case edx since we do not have gameguard, edx will get loaded with 262. And when it does a compare with 755 it will notice they are not the same and flag us with diffrent warning messages. Since the value is not the same, the result will be 0, and JZ (Jump if Zero) will take place. We simply change the Jump to jump if not zero
meaning the jump will never take place since it will always be Zero.
You could use JE(Jump Equal) but the result will be the same.
You could also change cmp edx, ds:dword_67CEE8
to cmp edx, 262h instead. Because then, it would also make sure the jump is never taken.
But, how do i change?
Either you use OllyDBG, or a hex editor.
Im quite sure some of you will have no clue still what im talking about.
It will require some minior hexing knowledge.
And if you use Ollydbg you can simple use the Menu alternative: Assemble
to rewrite the new function.
And from Olly save the changes directly.
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