Lightweight Detours

On lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010 0 comentarios

Lightweight Detours

While working on my toolkit library I did some work on detours and I think I made something interesting.

I made 2 'code patching' hook classes. One is a good old detour to hook functions. The other is far more interesting, it basically allows you to 'wiretap' any function any where in its body.

A quick review:
PHP Code:

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Toolkit: Detours
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes to allow easy modifying of the target code in order to hook functions.
namespace toolkit {

// ------------------------------------------------
    // Class: Detour
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // Detours a function using the standard [jmp xxxx] method.
class Detour
Detourvoidfuncvoidhookuint bytes );

void Unhook();
void Rehook();

// Call the original function ( without unhooking )
templatetypename Fn >
inline Fn Orig() { return reinterpret_cast<Fn>( _stub ); }

void*    _func;
void*    _hook;
void*    _stub;
uint    _bytes;
bool    _hooked;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Class: Wiretap
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Run your hook code in the middle of a function.
    // It'll continue execution after your hook returns.
    // The function will get redirected to a small stub which does this:
class Wiretap
// Stores the result of a pushad instruction
struct context32_t
types::dword ediesiebpespebxedxecxeax;
// Get the arguments (as a struct) of a function with a stack frame
templatetypename T inline Targs() { return reinterpret_cast<T*>( ebp 0x8 ); }
// Get the return address
inline void*& retaddr() { return *reinterpret_cast<void**>( ebp 0x4 ); }
typedef context32_t context_t;

// Access the function arguments manually trough esp or ebp.
        // Modifying this context will modify the ACTUAL registers when the function continues.
typedef void (__stdcall *HookFn)( context_tctx );
typedef void (__cdecl *HookFn2)( context_tctx );

WiretapvoidplaceHookFn hookuint bytes );
WiretapvoidplaceHookFn2 hookuint bytes );

void Unhook();
void Rehook();

void*    _place;
void*    _stub;
uint    _bytes;
bool    _hooked;


The Wiretap stub looks like this, the context32_t struct basically mimics the structure of stack after a pushad
 push esp
 call hook
 ;add esp, 0x4 ; When constructor is called where the hook has a __cdecl calling convention
 [ Overwritten bytes go here ]
 jmp continue

Comparison of my implementation of Detour and Wiretap:

Advantages of Detour:
  • Can hook any function and prevent it from running
  • Easily read and modify the stack arguments
Disadvantages of Detour:
  • Cannot hook in the middle of a function
  • Easy to detect if a function has been hooked (just check the first few bytes for a jmp or other known codes)
  • Can be annoying to read arguments passed via registers

Advantages of Wiretap:
  • Can hook in any function anywhere in its body
  • Easily read and modify the registers
  • Harder to detect (both will fail a checksum though)
Disadvantages of Wiretap:
  • Cannot prevent the original function from running
  • Reading and modifying arguments passed via the stack is more cumbersome, especially if the function doesn't have a stack frame (using ebp)

Example usage:

PHP Code:
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Testing Detours
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

    // This function will be hooked with Detour
int Magicint x )
// This function will be hooked with Wiretap
int Magic2int aint bint c )

int __cdecl Hooked_Magicint x )
        return -
typedef int (__cdeclMagicFn)( int );

void Wiretap_Magic2Wiretap::context_tctx )
struct args_t
int a;
int b;
int c;
args_tpArgs ctx->args<args_t>();
pArgs->+= 1;
pArgs->+= 2;
pArgs->+= 3;

bool TestDetours()
#ifdef NDEBUG
        // Does not work in Debug mode because the compiler adds an indirection to function calls. (Possible to allow edit&continue).
        // The operator& doesn't get the correct pointer.
Detour hook( &Magic, &Hooked_Magic);
Wiretap hook2make_ptr<void*>( (void*)&Magic20x3 ), &Wiretap_Magic2);

// Call them
if ( Magic) != -) return false;
        if ( 
hook.Orig<MagicFn>()( ) != ) return false;

        if ( 
Magic211) != ) return false; #endif // NDEBUG

return true;

I apologize for the dependencies, It's just how I've organized my toolkit library.
The memory.h is something I quickly slapped together for pooling read/write/exec memory. I also experimented with generating stub functions using templates (but dropped it in favor of VirtualAlloc).

Atm it's pretty much Windows x86 only (because that's all I need atm). Get me the opcodes for x64 and I'll make it work for x64 (although I can't test it due to running Vista x86).
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