wow offsets and pointers

On domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010 0 comentarios

I spent a lot of time last days reading materials about this issue. It seams not many developers are eager to share info. Here is a way I found to get a few hundreds function pointers:

  1. Google: ollydbg. Unzip and run ollydbg.exe
  2. Start Wow.exe
  3.  In Ollydbg. File -> Attach -> WoW.exe -> Attach. Give the debugger a few seconds to parse the big list of modules and hurry up to resume the execution (press the "play" button on toolbar), so WoW can be happy.
  4. View -> executable modules (or press ALT-E) and select WoW. Press Enter or double click it.
  5. Right-click -> Analysis -> Analyse code (or press CTRL-A). Wait for the debugger to parse the modules. This is good that we will be able to spot beginning/ends and params of the functions found.
  6. In the new window, right click -> Search for -> All referenced text strings. Wait a few seconds for the debuger to parse the modules.
  7. In the new window, right-click -> Search for text. Type "Usage:" and make sure the entire scope is checked. Press Enter on a found entry to get sent in the CPU window to the function body.
  8. Use the markings made by the analysis to find the beggining of the function.
  9. Press CTRL-L in the text strings window to go to the next function

 The good part, these pointers never change, they are static.

The sad part, these are all public LUA function, so nothing juicy like your character position, orientation or things like that.

But its always "healthier" to call UnitHealth(player) than trying to read the health variable directly from the data segment, because that one is different each time you load the game.

I'd like some feedback from anyone who found any more "juicy" internal functions. C'mon, don't be "shy"

EDIT: maybe not all those functions found with my method are innocent.

E.G.: 00405CB0 worldport [x y z] 

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